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Does Diabetes Increase My Risk of Developing Kidney Stones?
Healthy Living

Does Diabetes Increase My Risk of Developing Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are ball-like structures that form in the kidneys and other organs in the urinary tract system of a person. Diabetes can cause certain conditions in the body that may make a person more susceptible to developing kidney stones. Read on to learn more about why diabetes may lead to kidney stones.
Is Sinusitis Preventable?
Healthy Living

Is Sinusitis Preventable?

Flu and the common cold are among the most common causes of sinusitis. A cold that is the result of a virus can develop into sinusitis. Allergies are also one of the leading causes of sinus troubles. By understanding the causes of sinusitis and the factors that increase one's risk of developing the condition, appropriate and effective preventive measures can be taken. Read on to learn more.
Lyme disease: Making a diagnosis
Healthy Living

Lyme Disease: Making a Diagnosis

Lyme disease does not have a proper and specific test available for its diagnosis. However, there are several blood tests that will help doctors come up with a Lyme disease diagnosis. Continue reading this article and learn all the possible ways that Lyme disease can be diagnosed.
5 Tips on Living with Vaginitis
Women's Health

5 Tips on Living with Vaginitis

Some women might assume that they have a yeast infection when they experience vaginal itching and having an unusual discharge. Many women self-medicate by buying over-the-counter drugs when their vagina gets irritated. It is advisable to see a doctor if the problem comes back as it might be caused by something else.
What is Gallstone Removal?
Healthy Living

What is Gallstone Removal?

Gallbladder stones are very common can occur due to multiple reasons. These stones are harmless in most people and may not even present any major symptoms.
What are the Causes and Symptoms of Psoriasis?
Healthy Living

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is characterized by the thick red patches that form on different areas of the skin. It seems to be hereditary in some cases, but the exact cause is not yet known. Read this article to learn more about the symptoms and aggravating factors of psoriasis.
Prevention of Croup
Healthy Living

Prevention of Croup

It is almost impossible to prevent croup. There is still no immunization available against the viruses that cause croup. However, it is recommended that children should be given immunization against influenza because it may help prevent croup caused by the parainfluenza virus. Read on to learn how to prevent this respiratory infection.
What Procedures Are Used to Treat Bladder Cancer?
Healthy Living

What Procedures Are Used to Treat Bladder Cancer?

The treatment for bladder cancer involves different methods. These methods are different from one another and follow a certain procedure. Read this article to know more about the procedures that can be done for the treatment of bladder cancer.
How is Cholera Diagnosed?

How is Cholera Diagnosed?

Diagnosing cholera is very important before its treatment. This will avoid treating the infection merely on the basis of symptoms, which may be caused other infections. Although signs and symptoms are considered as the first line diagnosis before other tests are performed, they cannot provide confirmation, which calls for laboratory tests.
What Are the Causes of Viral Diarrhea?
Healthy Living

What Are the Causes of Viral Diarrhea?

Viruses are one of the harmful pathogens responsible for diarrhea. They cause abdominal pain, and loose stool at times, which weakens the body.
What Are the Different Types of Plastic Surgeries?
Beauty and Anti Aging

What Are the Different Types of Plastic Surgeries?

Plastic surgery procedures have developed over the years. As a result of developments in technology and medicine, there have been great advancements in the way plastic surgery is conducted. The different types of plastic surgery are discussed below.
Reasons Why You Need a Tonsillectomy

Reasons Why You Need a Tonsillectomy

Normally, it takes about a week for a child to feel all right after undergoing a tonsillectomy. You can let your child go on with his or her daily activities if he or she feels well after a few days. Read this article to know some of the reasons why a tonsillectomy is needed.
Treatments for Obesity
Diet and Nutrition

Treatments for Obesity

Avoid high amounts of salt to avoid high blood pressure, especially if you are already obese. Try to get information on the amount of calories contained in each food so as to avoid taking more than you should.
Is Breast Augmentation costly?
Beauty and Anti Aging

Is Breast Augmentation costly?

Breast augmentation fee vary on the surgeon’s experience, the type of breast implant, the geographic location of the office and its cost.
Is Cholera Curable?
Diet and Nutrition

Is Cholera Curable?

Cholera is a dangerous infection that - upon development in the body of a human being - causes severe symptoms that can be fatal if not treated early and correctly. This infection is mostly characterized by watery diarrhea, which is the most common symptom of the infection. Continue reading to learn more about the treatment of cholera.
Angina Pectoris: What are the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment?
Healthy Heart

Angina Pectoris: What are the Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment?

Angina Pectoris is a condition associated with the arteries leading to a pain in the chest region. Angina pectoris can result into various other complications when left untreated.
3 Reasons Why You Would Need a Hysterectomy
Healthy Living

3 Reasons Why You Would Need a Hysterectomy

Fibroids, cancer, and endometriosis are risk factors that have the potential to seriously impact a woman's childbearing capacity and overall health. Hysterectomy offers a permanent solution, one that eliminates distress and prevents cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.
What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis?
Healthy Living

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis is a condition that leads to the hardening of the liver, which eventually impacts the normal functioning of the liver. The disease progresses in stage, and the longer it lasts, the higher the chances are of developing its resulting complications.
Are There Specific Causes of Nasal Congestion?
Healthy Living

Are There Specific Causes of Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion is a common condition, but do you know the reasons behind nasal congestion? Learn about the various triggers of congestion to better revent it in the future.
What Causes Kidney Stones? How to Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones
Healthy Living

What Causes Kidney Stones? How to Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are a common occurrence, but can be managed with some medications and dietary restrictions.
Reasons Why You Need an Adenoidectomy

Reasons Why You Need an Adenoidectomy

Adenoids are lymphoid tissues that fight off nasal and oral infections. They also play a role in fighting diseases by producing white blood cells (WBCs). If your adenoids are inflamed or infected by bacteria or viruses, the condition is known as adenoiditis. Continue reading this article to know some of the reasons why an adenoidectomy is suggested.
What is a Cervical Ablation?
Women's Health

What is a Cervical Ablation?

If unusual cells are detected on the cervix’s surface during a pap smear, cervical ablation is used to establish if the abnormal cells are signs for cancer.
What is Bacterial Conjunctivitis?
Healthy Living

What Is Bacterial Conjunctivitis?

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a common eye condition that is easily transmitted from one person to another. There are several subtypes and symptoms of this type of conjunctivitis. Read on to learn more about bacterial conjunctivitis.
Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Healthy Living

Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is something every person can do. Even a well-organized person does it. It is a bad, yet a hard habit to break. Have you been putting things off lately? Are your deadlines getting closer and closer, and yet you keep putting it off to do it later, and in the last minute, you feel the stress and pain to complete it? If you are a procrastinator, you have to read this article. There are some tips that you can try to overcome procrastination. Scroll down the page to learn these life-changing tips.
Can I Have Cataract Surgery on Both Eyes at the Same Time?
Healthy Living

Can I Have Cataract Surgery on Both Eyes at the Same Time?

People that have cataracts in both eyes and that are very nearsighted or farsighted benefit a lot from simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery. These patients experience visual imbalance after their first surgery and often prefer simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery.

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