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How Long Does Acute Bronchitis Last? How to Treat and Prevent
Healthy Living

How Long Does Acute Bronchitis Last? How to Treat and Prevent

Acute bronchitis is a milder form of bronchitis as compared to the chronic one. However, in a number of cases, it doesn't take much time for acute bronchitis to progress into a worse form of the disease.
What Happens During an Appendectomy?
Healthy Living

What Happens During an Appendectomy?

Appendectomy is the surgical procedure used to treat appendicitis. Appendicitis is the condition where the appendix is infected, causing it to swell and inflict a lot of pain. Thus, the appendix has to be removed in order to stop the pain and prevent it from bursting.
Reasons Why You Would Need a Cataract Surgery
Healthy Living

Reasons Why You Would Need a Cataract Surgery

There is no need to panic whenever you notice a cataract in your eye. There are cataracts that do not interfere with your sight or your daily productivity. These cataracts may go away on their own and do not necessarily need surgery to be removed. This article focuses on the reasons why a cataract surgery is needed.
What are the Side Effects of Cataract Surgery?
Healthy Living

What are the Side Effects of Cataract Surgery?

The exact cause of cataracts isn’t known. Nevertheless, the majority of cataracts cases seem to be a result of variation in the structures of proteins, causing the lens to appear cloudy.
Reasons Why You Need a Tonsillectomy

Reasons Why You Need a Tonsillectomy

Normally, it takes about a week for a child to feel all right after undergoing a tonsillectomy. You can let your child go on with his or her daily activities if he or she feels well after a few days. Read this article to know some of the reasons why a tonsillectomy is needed.
What Is Diarrhea: Get the Facts
Healthy Living

What Is Diarrhea: Get the Facts

Diarrhea is a very common disease that attacks the digestive system, causing the abnormally frequent passing of loose stool. The disease can be classified into two or three types depending on the cause, symptoms, and duration.
Foods to Avoid When Suffering From IBS
Diet and Nutrition

Foods to Avoid When Suffering From IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder usually triggered by unhealthy food and irregular eating habits. Managing IBS symptoms means being selective of what you eat. Trigger foods are different from person to person; however, there are common trigger foods that are best avoided to prevent IBS symptoms from recurring.
What is Hernia: Get the Facts
Healthy Living

What Is Hernia: Get the Facts

Hernia is a very common condition that occurs in both men and women of all ages. This article informs about everything you need to know about the condition.
What Is Insomnia: Get the Facts
Healthy Living

What Is Insomnia? Get the Facts

Insomnia is also known as sleeplessness. It is a sleep disorder where people have trouble sleeping. Facts about insomnia, from its definition to its types, symptoms, causes, and treatment are discussed in this article, so read on.
Is Multiple Sclerosis Chronic?
Healthy Living

Is Multiple Sclerosis Chronic?

Chronic diseases are characterized by conditions that last a lifetime, and their progress into different stages comes about with time. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord. Read this article to see if MS is a chronic disease.
What to Expect if You Need a Hysterectomy
Healthy Living

What to Expect if You Need a Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy can be a life-saver when uterine bleeding, infection, or cancer assumes life-threatening dimensions. It is a relatively simple surgery that is performed with minimum discomfort to the patient.
What Procedures Are Used to Treat Bladder Cancer?
Healthy Living

What Procedures Are Used to Treat Bladder Cancer?

The treatment for bladder cancer involves different methods. These methods are different from one another and follow a certain procedure. Read this article to know more about the procedures that can be done for the treatment of bladder cancer.
What are the Risk Factors, and What are the Prevention Methods of Type 2 Diabetes?
Diet and Nutrition

What are the Risk Factors, and What are the Prevention Methods of Type 2 Diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term medical condition that results in high levels of blood sugar in the body. Diabetes can have long term health implications that can result in various secondary health issues.
What is a Nerve Ablation?
Healthy Living

What is a Nerve Ablation?

Just like other medical procedures, radiofrequency ablation is not applicable to everybody. People with serious infections or bleeding issues should not receive radiofrequency ablation.
Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Healthy Living

Eight Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is something every person can do. Even a well-organized person does it. It is a bad, yet a hard habit to break. Have you been putting things off lately? Are your deadlines getting closer and closer, and yet you keep putting it off to do it later, and in the last minute, you feel the stress and pain to complete it? If you are a procrastinator, you have to read this article. There are some tips that you can try to overcome procrastination. Scroll down the page to learn these life-changing tips.
Lyme disease: Making a diagnosis
Healthy Living

Lyme Disease: Making a Diagnosis

Lyme disease does not have a proper and specific test available for its diagnosis. However, there are several blood tests that will help doctors come up with a Lyme disease diagnosis. Continue reading this article and learn all the possible ways that Lyme disease can be diagnosed.
What Are the Causes of Viral Diarrhea?
Healthy Living

What Are the Causes of Viral Diarrhea?

Viruses are one of the harmful pathogens responsible for diarrhea. They cause abdominal pain, and loose stool at times, which weakens the body.
Does Bladder Cancer Require Chemotherapy for Treatment?
Healthy Living

Does Bladder Cancer Require Chemotherapy for Treatment?

Chemotherapy is one of the most used treatment methods for bladder cancer. It is also used together with other treatment methods such as radiation therapy to reinforce the effectiveness. In other cases, it is done after a surgical treatment to prevent the tumors from coming back. Learn more about chemotherapy and bladder cancer treatment in this article.

Prevention of Croup
Healthy Living

Prevention of Croup

It is almost impossible to prevent croup. There is still no immunization available against the viruses that cause croup. However, it is recommended that children should be given immunization against influenza because it may help prevent croup caused by the parainfluenza virus. Read on to learn how to prevent this respiratory infection.
Are At-Home Hair Removal Kits Effective?
Beauty and Anti Aging

Are At-Home Hair Removal Kits Effective?

You might think that hair removal should be private and at-home, but how effective are these hair removal kits? We have the latest information here.
How is Conjunctivitis Contracted?
Healthy Living

How is Conjunctivitis Contracted?

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a very common and unpleasant condition. It is easily transmitted from one person to another, so make sure you know how to avoid contracting it.
Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction
Healthy Living

Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

There are various treatments available for erectile dysfunction. But the degree of effectiveness varies across individuals. The treatments are based on the factors that cause the condition and the severity of the situation. It is beneficial to know about the alternative treatment measures for erectile dysfunction.
Is Vanacof Effective in Treating the Common Cold?
Healthy Living

Is Vanacof Effective in Treating the Common Cold?

The common cold and the flu are viral infections that can leave one tired and worn out. While there are many treatments for treating a common cold, Vanacof medication is one of the most commonly prescribed medications for this condition.
What Are Phytosterols?
Healthy Living

What are Phytosterols?

Phytosterols are an exciting new addition to diet plans, and are designed to reduce cholesterol. Read this article to learn about the mechanics of phytosterols and how to include more in your diet.

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